
I am really tired with my work.

All tense up.

Work load is getting heavier.

Dateline is getting shorter.

Feel all the pressure surrounding my mind.

Shoulders getting tired to hold on to the tasks.

Shit! I need a break..


9 Responses to “Tired...”

  1. # Blogger Candy

    DOn't like this...
    cheer abit keke~
    All the best yea ^^
    I know u sure can do it before the deadline  

  2. # Blogger scarxxx

    haihz... just hopefully lo...
    damn tired jor..
    maybe need a holiday break d la..  

  3. # Blogger Wennn

    Yes yes me too same same here ! tired... but then wat the heck we nid a break too U know!!  

  4. # Blogger day-dreamer

    Wah... chill man!

    I really don't know what to say except, don't give yourself too much pressure.  

  5. # Blogger scarxxx

    wendy: sis, you also tired ah.. haih.. i understand ur feeling also la.. yea yea.. we need a break from work...

    day-dreamer: me too much pressure? i should say already OVERLOAD d lo..  

  6. # Blogger pearly

    hi dear :
    cheer up ok . we all very tire with work , just look forward when the dealline done you make sure you ask for a week or two holiday with your darling and enjoy the life and chil ok .
    that how I will do when I am very piss off with work , so today I am having my holiday start for one week hahahah. I am so please and happy . hope you too ok .
    don't work we all thinking of you all the time and suport you too .
    brother smile ok .

  7. # Blogger scarxxx

    pearly jie jie, thanks for the piece of advice. i am also thinking after meeting the dateline, i will take a day or two for a short break and chill out with my princess. hopefully everything can run smoothly..  

  8. # Blogger janice

    hahaha... relax lah ..  

  9. # Blogger scarxxx

    try to rilekz lo...  

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