Imeem Playlist DIY

As Janice and JW requested for the tutorial for the playlist like I do at the sidebar. So here it go for the step-by-step simple tutorials.

How To Upload Song to Imeem.

1. Go to Imeem website and sign up for a free account. Follow the simple instruction to complete the registration.

2. Below is the screenshot for the my Profile page.

3. Above the page, there is a tool bar as shown as below. Click on the UPLOAD link to upload your very own song.

4. The page will divert to upload page as shown as below. Click on the choices that stated. In this case, I choose as shown.

5. Next, you need to browse and choose song that you wish to upload.

6. After uploading, you need to wait for around 15minutes for the song to be ready for to play. An email notification will send to your email. To see the song, go to your profile page and it will display below your playlist.

7. Click on Listen and it will divert to the song page as shown below.

Happy Trying


2 Responses to “Imeem Playlist DIY”

  1. # Blogger Jiun Wuu

    so easy nya hor...haha,thanks dude...  

  2. # Blogger scarxxx

    lolx... ya la... damn kao ez nia.. since u asked for the tutorial liao lo.. so i ma post lo..  

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