Post CNY Updates...

Sumimasen (in Japanese mean Sorry). It's been a long period of time I did not update here. Seems like lots of dust here in the my blog space. OK, cut the crap and here is my story for the post CNY reports.

As usual, CNY eve gone back Melaka and settle down for the reunion dinner with my family. Nothing much special cos it been a tradition in my family to sit down and have our dinner together. Prayers cannot be deny and it need to be done. After the clock struck 12am, received Angpow already from my dad and this year as my mum told me that it's time for me to give some money to my sis and bro. What to do, working already.

First day of CNY, went visiting my Princess's home and her grandparents' home. Everybody settle down and did some chit chating. After that I brought Princess back home and to my uncle's place to pai nien. As for the second day, my friends drop by to pay me a visit. We been keep updating ourselves with our latest state. They come to my house annually without fail. Still the same group of friends and everybody are very different from our schooling days.

For the third night, I went off to a cafe to meet up with a bunch of long lost contact secondary school friends and in bonus met a Korean friend that my friend tagged along. As usual talk cock sing song is unavoidable and some chit chating about our current life. Most of us are working but some are still studying for their final year in repective universities. I can see more doctors and engineers will be fighting for a job in the next few months.

CNY also time for me to get relax and I continued to watch anime, Bleach. Fantastic anime and I am really addicted to it already. Been chasing this anime like crazy where I can watch it from morning till the very next morning. Long anime marathon. From the anime, I did get struck with a few Japanese songs that is totally awesome.

I am addicted to a singer name Yui with her songs like Rolling Star and I Remember You. Damn nice songs and she is definately a very 20years old pretty chick.

Though I am not really understand with the lyrics but I did googled the meaning of the lyrics and it is really meaningful too.

Below is the video of Yui:

Rolling Star

I Remember You

I do have bad incident too. My beloved Wira's Promote bumper had been ripped apart right in front of my eyes. Damn those Indians. I just do not want further elaborate on it anymore cos it is damn painful memory for me. Tomorrow I need to send my car to Inspire Automotive at Kepong to custom made some parts of my newly purchase Promote bumper.

More updates will be coming up soon...


2 Responses to “Post CNY Updates...”

  1. # Blogger Wennn

    I also watch Bleach la.... Wah liao last time I watch until dun wan to sleep la... and now I am missing a lot of episodes liao becoz no one gip me liao..  

  2. # Blogger scarxxx

    hahaha.. sis, me also leh.. watch till dun want to sleep oh... so syiok...

    go download the anime la... till now very kan cheong d.. hehe..  

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