Temporary Tattoo?

Lately been working like a cow, so weekend is the best possible time to go out with my princess to have fun as well as some relaxation too. Nothing to do, so I go to have myself a tattoo as well as my princess also have one.

Well below is the temporary tattoo that will only last for 7days. Anyway, mine already going off color soon.

My temporary tattoo with my nick on it...


5 Responses to “Temporary Tattoo?”

  1. # Blogger day-dreamer

    Wah, so big your tattoo! Almost cover the whole arm! :D  

  2. # Blogger scarxxx

    lolx... this what we call yau yeng mah..  

  3. # Blogger janice

    i dare you to make a REAL wan ..
    if you dare... i follow.. kakakaka  

  4. # Blogger pearly

    hi bro:
    don't lister to jan jan she already got one look back to her blog you will see oh my god I would say .

    by the way I don't like men with tattot don't do you good.
    will may be becos I am very old fashion I guess .

  5. # Blogger scarxxx

    janice: siao meh... dun want la.. kekeke..

    pearly: sure wont de la, jie..
    tattoo not my cup of tea.. i have this temporary wan also want to test the feeling like having one... :p  

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