
What is appreciate? What is the meaning behind this ten characters that assembled this word? According to the dictionary this is the meaning of appreciate;

v 1: recognize with gratitude; be grateful for
2: be fully aware of; realize fully; "Do you appreciate the full meaning of this
letter?" [syn: take account] 3: hold dear; "I prize these old photographs" [syn:
prize, value, treasure] 4: gain in value; "The yen appreciated again!" [syn:
apprize, apprise, revalue] [ant: depreciate] 5: increase the value of; "The
Germans want to appreciate the Deutsche Mark" [syn: apprize, apprise] [ant:

In life we must appreciate what we really possess including the feelings that we have in our heart. Most of us do not appreciate things that we have right in our grasp and when the time we lose it, we definately will regret about it as we didn't even take care of it once it is in our hands.

As for working environment, we must appreciate the job that we have and not just to rush our way to the top of the management or be the greatest employee. Some did not appreciate the help, advice and guidance that been given to them. Once fail it is like end of the world for them as they will not get the same support as not appreciate the help from the others at the beginning.

Relationship as well. Many couple that breakup will feel guilty and sad that once they do not appreciate the love that being poured on to their heart and passion. Once lost it, there will be no turning back as things will be a different story. How you want to end the story? Happy or sad? It's all in our grasp. There's nothing determine the way the love turn to be something that we want but how the couple determine how they want to. So boys and gals, appreciate what your partner do and the relationship that you currently riding, otherwise everything will be too late for you to appreciate.

I admit I had a tough life since I was a kid. Nothing come easy for me. I waited the chances and I am very patient for it to arrive to my palm. I always wanted a bike when I was a kid but heck, God never granted me one. I wanted a video game but I got when a new model was been released. Since then, I never wanted anything anymore from my parents. Birthday gifts? None. Good results on my UPSR and PMR? None I get. I just learnt to appreciate my own efforts for that good result of mine. That's how I learn to appreciate not just my belongings but also those intangible things too.

Well, today I am kinda riding a low wave of mood and I do not what am I thinking about. Sometimes I really wish to go into the world that I always wanted but I know it is going to be tough. That's my life, nothing come easy.

Appreciate what you have before it is too late.

Signing off....

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Nothing much about me. Just a guy that share the same features as other human being. The difference from others? I am just a lil bit crappy with my words...

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