Survival Elements in Indonesia...
0 Comments Published by scarxxx on Sunday, June 19, 2005 at 3:57 PM.

- being detained in the airport because he does not possess any return ticket back to Malaysia.
- live in the stone age area; where he live there with no electricity for the past three days in a row.
- could not speak Bahasa Indonesia.
- could not speak well in Hokkien.
- corruption.
To settle all the problem there, there are few things that he really need to prepare before he even board for a plane to Indonesia. First, he need to have enough cash. Why enough or lots of cash? Well, corruption is the key problem in Indonesia where money can settle everything instantly. Just like what he did when he was at the airport where he being detained due do not possesses any return ticket back to Malaysia. I think whether he have or not, he still will be detain. Why? The reason is simple cos he is CHINESE plus Malaysian. Sure the official there will grab that the opportunity to suck some money. I heard some news from my friend that they took the money in front of everyone though is against the law.
Secondly he need to learn the basic language of Indonesia so to enable him to speak to his future in-laws. I think both of us had learn some "basic" Indonesia language from Hanz during the days back in Melati. Well, at least we can know that someone is throwing bad language at us instead acting like an idiot when we being scolded.
Hokkien? Yea, most of the resident in Pekan Baru know how to speak Hokkien. Though he is from BP but his Hokkien sucks yo~. No hard feeling, OK, HG. But this time at least he is well verse with the vulgar language in Hokkien or perhaps even better than me. *LOL. He should get some lesson from GY Yan, Alvin or Kutu Yong before head to the Red & White country.
Living in the stone age era? Sure definately will have to try the environment without electricity as we can review back the days when there is no electricity supplies. At least dogs (refer to HG) can release some sweat thru the tongue not from the body. *LOL. From his entry, the Indon fuckers will only fix the electricity after receiving some "coffee money" from them. Well, from here, once again, money solves everything.
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