Some of you will ask why my title is Hibernation. While driving on the way to the cyber cafe, I am thinking that what I am suppose to do next after secured a job at TCMA. Seems like my next move will be hibernating in the career path and continue to learn more skills from the work that I have currently been thru.
Today I just knew that my colleague, Peter is going to get a car on his own and I am kind of envy him that he can own a car by himself. I asked myself when can be like him, getting myself a car on my own? Guess that I still have a long way to go to possess a car that truly own by myself. Same goes to Chio, another colleague of mine, he went to lots of places like China and Bali. So the same question pop up on my mind. When it's my time to go to all those places? My mindset told me that to achieve all that, I need to work hard and save up the money that I earn and I can be just like them in the future.
Hibernation in the working world seems like a way for me to concentrate on my work. To wake me up from the hibernation, there will be something that has an impact on me. Well, I still don't know what will it be.
Now I am getting used to the working lifestyle now as I need to sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning to head out to office at Segambut. Though very early in the morning but once I get started, everything is smooth.
Signing off now... Ciao~
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