2006 New Year, New Resolution...

As tradition lives on, every new year everyone will have their own resolution or goals that being set in the beginning of the year and to achieve them within the period of a year.

People will be asking, "What is your New Year resolution?" , "What is your goal for the coming New Year?" and etc. When we are asking others resolution, in the mean time, do we really know the meaning of the word, RESOLUTION?

Here is the meaning of the word, RESOLUTION:


noun 1 a firm decision. 2 an expression of opinion or intention agreed on by a legislative body. 3 the quality of being resolute. 4 the resolving of a problem or dispute. 5 the process of reducing or separating something into components. 6 the smallest interval measurable by a telescope or other scientific instrument. 7 the degree of detail visible in a photographic or television image.

I have my resolution or I rather say goals to be achieved in the year 2006. Goals can be tangible like for example; to get a new Mac Mini or to get a brand new car. Goals also can be intangible like be more patient, to get rid of bad habit and so forth.

All our lives
All we ever sacrificed has paid,
Everything is possible to me
Why no fight!
Found everything that I had to take away,
Save your life!
Save it all and make a better way

-Slipknot, Scream

I have my own resolution for the coming year that I hopefully I can fulfill it.

Intangible goals:
  1. To control my temperament even better than now.
  2. To be more understanding.
  3. To be more initiative.
  4. To have the mindset like the lyrics above.
  5. To be more discipline in all the things that I handle no matter work, relationship, family or friends.
  6. Have a plan for my future in a new assembly plant in Serendah, Rawang.
Tangible goals:
  1. To own a Mac desktop.
  2. To get a place of my own (moving out from my uncle place).
  3. Have a short break at Genting Highland.
  4. Have a spa.
  5. To achieve my financial goal.
The most important goal is all my intangible goals because by achieving all that I can be able to achieve my tangible goals.

This not my clear plan but just a scratch plan for my future. More details about all the goals will be discussed only with person that is really close to me.

So let me asks you, "What is your New Year Resolution?"

Happy Answering!


2 Responses to “2006 New Year, New Resolution...”

  1. # Blogger day-dreamer

    True... people make New Year resolutions at the end of every year. So do I. But it would be a miracle if I can remember it after Chinese New Year.


  2. # Blogger scarxxx

    Hahaha... day-dreamer you must be very forgetful person..  

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Nothing much about me. Just a guy that share the same features as other human being. The difference from others? I am just a lil bit crappy with my words...

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