There is hope when hope does not exist...
0 Comments Published by scarxxx on Monday, August 29, 2005 at 7:12 PM.

"Hope is a desire for something to happen, while expecting or
being confident that it will come true. Hope also implies a certain amount of
perseverence, believing that something is possible even when there is some
evidence to the contrary. Hope may be directed toward something minor or towards
something extremely significant...."
That is the description of the meaning of hope. Do you ever been into a situation where you hope something good to happen to you but in reality, there is no hope for you to cling on? Despair and all your hope shattered like a brick thrown into a well tinted window. Hope shattered into small sprinkling of hard cutting edge of glass that shred every single bloodstream in your heart. Painful? Exactly that is how it feels. Your mouth tasted blood and your eyes running with heart broken tears.

"This was never my world
You took the angel away
I killed myself to make everybody pay"
.....Marilyn Manson, Coma Black
Hope? I am losing it from my grip as I still cling to it in one of my important area in my life. Career is the area. If I lose it then I am totally lifeless.
Last night was horrible, text flashing my mind and heart pouncing weaker and weaker. My devils revived me back to life and taking steps to continue the journey. I fell into trance when Marilyn Manson songs touched my soul. It feels good and my believe in his words is growing stronger and stronger.
Seen a comment as stated as below;
if there's hapinest tat's ur placeangel always here ~2 bless u~
I do not know who is the one who drop this comment but I am sure that there is no angel with wrap with a wings of blessing comes to me. Only the feather of Azrael that I only feel warm and wanted. Shitty things do happened and there always a shitty way to get through it. And I found my shitty way to the arms of the Devils.
One day I will be the Kings of the Devils...
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