This is a graphic that I created for my Sunday afternoon while enjoying my precious mp3. Baiscally sound is the basic essential for creating music. So in this graphic, there is the definition of sound that I found at Wikipedia website, an enclyclopedia website. I created this graphic from the inspiration from songs that I heard. Without sound, the world is going to be plain and boring.
This is a graphic that I created for my Sunday afternoon while enjoying my precious mp3. Baiscally sound is the basic essential for creating music. So in this graphic, there is the definition of sound that I found at Wikipedia website, an enclyclopedia website. I created this graphic from the inspiration from songs that I heard. Without sound, the world is going to be plain and boring.
Nothing much about me. Just a guy that share the same features as other human being. The difference from others? I am just a lil bit crappy with my words...
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