School Fights...

Recently as we know that there are two cases about fight in the school like St. Joseph in Miri and Kota Tinggi, Johor. This news are spread over the press and YouTube is flooded with almost 2000 viewers on that particular handphone video. I might be slow to blog about this case but somehow I felt that I need to state out my point of view on both cases.

As the case in Kota Tinggi, it is shameless for those 6 bloody students to bullied on a 13 years old retarded kid. 6 versus 1, MAN!! WTF!! Plus the other party has some disablity. Shame, I should say to those 6 of them. Totally madness and the school is out of control of the discipline of the student. What the hell do this six farkers were thinking about in their head? Bullied a retarded kid and to become a well, famous gangster in the school? As I viewed the video from Rojakz Daily where they punched, kicked and threw a few chairs towards him really get into my nerves. My nerves are boiling to the highest degree and all I can do is to pity that kiddo as well as his parents. Shame, I should say to those six bloody idiots, pick your own size and number rather than bullying a retarded kid. Try to be like a great gangster or triad members is it? Instead of being that, you already tarnished the whole image of the underground society. I do not side the underground society but I am looking at their point of view.

Even girls now were doing the same things over East Malaysia in Miri. Poor girl. Being slapped, kicked and pulled.

As the news stated that those six bargers were identified and being expelled from the school but somehow I felt that the punishment is light and they can just escaped just like that. Is our Ministry of Education going to take any further action on that? Well, we shall see.

From my point of view, those kids should really send into a rehab where they were counsel and put in a tough condition to live in. For example, the rehab center should ask them to do community service like cutting the grass or sweeping the follow just like those Hongkong drama where the prisoner does. Wearing an uniform that the public know about their status and let those bloody fools to aware that is the worse punishment that they ever faced in their life.

For those out there, who had been bullied or currently being bullied, please do step out and voice out your plead to the school or straight to the Ministry of Education. Don't keep quiet as you suffer from those beatings but give a fight back thru a proper and legal ways. If you are being punch or kick, do fight back with all your might and escape while you can.

As I know, my ex-secondary school bring in police to handle all the gangster activities and I felt that this is the best way to keep all the student safe.

Is our schools are a safe to be? What will the Ministry of Educations do to tackle all those fighting in schools? What is the fate for those boys and girls?

We shall know soon...


3 Responses to “School Fights...”

  1. # Anonymous Anonymous

    Brader, I oso kena bullied wor..cum help me lar!!  

  2. # Blogger Jiun Wuu

    Sad thing,there wont be any safe place for children to grow up well in this world anymore...  

  3. # Blogger scarxxx

    aceone118: who dare to bully you? tell me and windz la... i take my machine gun together with wingz bangla wakakaka...

    JW: This is a fact already..  

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